Hello, I'm

I'm good at the front end but more than excellent at the back end

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My Projects

  • Nest Js Ecommerce Store Service Providor With DNS Managment + Sub Domains

    A very large-scale project consisting of an e-commerce store service provider for delivery companies' clients, integrating more than 5 external services through APIs

  • Nest Js Ecommerce Store (Refactored)

    An intermediate project for an online store that includes all professional requirements such as categories, products, coupons, etc.

  • ExpressJs Ecommerce Store

    An intermediate project for an online store that includes all professional requirements such as categories, products, coupons, etc.

  • MERN Stack Notes App

    Notes App With CRUD operations

  • MERN Stack COD E-commerce Store

    Admin Panel + CRUD operations

  • React Firebase Ecommerce Application

    An online store specializing in selling wristwatches that includes all the essential operations for a complete web application.

  • FrontEnd FakeGram App

    Authentication and CRUD operations

  • React Meals Chef App

    LocalStorage CRUD operations & React Hook Form

  • React Books Finder App

    Google Api & React Query

  • React Firebase Todos App

    CRUD operations

  • React Images && Quotes

    API Intergration

  • React Weather API

    Api Integration With WeatherApi


About Me

I am a full stack web developer with a passion for creating interactive and responsive web applications. I have experience working with TypeScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express,Mongo Db, Nest js, HTML, CSS, and Git. I am a quick learner and I am always looking to expand my knowledge and skill set. I am a team player and I am excited to work with others to create amazing applications.

My Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Nest js
  • Express
  • Fastify
  • Linux
  • DNS Managment
  • Server Managment
  • Nginx Proxy
  • Apache Server
  • Hescia Cp
  • Vesta Cp
Let's Connect

I'm currently looking for new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!

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